Category EWB

What is 7-Segment Display?


7-Segment Display The 7-segment display digit is shown below. 7-Segment Display is used to display the decimal numbers 0 to 9. A 7-segment display digit has 7 segments a, b,…

What is Gray Code?


Gray Code The Gray code does not have any weights assigned to its bit positions. The Gray Code is not a positional code. The Gray code is different from the…

Caveman Number System


A number system discovered by archaeologists in a prehistoric cave indicates that the caveman used a number system that has 5 distinct shapes ∑, ∆, >, Ω and ↑. Furthermore…

Trying out Digital Instruments in EWB 5.12

ewb components

In this post, you will work with EWB’s test instruments. 1. Create the following circuit on EWB’s circuit window. Try Out Word Generator The word generator can drive a digital…

Introduction to Electronics Workbench

EWB 5.12

Electronics Workbench (EWB) is a design tool that provides you with all the components and instruments to create board-level designs on your PC. The user interface of EWB consists of…