What is ABEL?
ABEL which is an acronym for Advanced Boolean Expression Language is a hardware description language used for implementing logic designs using PLDs. ABEL is a device-independent language and can be used to program any type of PLD. ABEL is run on a computer connected to a PLD programmer which programs the PLD.
ABEL provides three different text-based methods for describing and entering a logic design. The three methods are
- Boolean Equations
- Truth Tables
- State Diagrams
The Boolean Equations and the Truth Table method are used for Combinational Logic Circuits. The State Diagram is used specifically for Sequential Logic circuits. The Boolean Equations and the Truth Table method can also be used for describing and entering Sequential Logic Circuits.
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Boolean Operations and Boolean Notations
The NOT, AND, OR and XOR operations have special symbols in ABEL as shown.

The standard Boolean notations in terms of ABEL notations are defined in table below. The operators !, &, # and $ have precedence in the order given in table.